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⟡ 316 Stainless Steel PVD Plating ⟡ 18K Gold Plating/ Steel ⟡ <4.5g weight for ring ⟡ <5g weight for earrings ⟡ Tarnish Free, Water Safe Jewellery ⟡ Hypoallergenic *Gift with purchase* Love Story 6: Finding Love Again by Shy & Curious TM Whenever I forget to love you, I go back to the list. Your eyes when you first met mine. The scar on your thumb because you were too stubborn to get proper stitches after the accident. The tattoo on your pelvis which you were so proud of but when I first saw it I thought you’d lost a bet. Your sheepish smile when you don’t know whether to protest or agree when I call you out. The way you sleep on your side covering your ear with one hand like a cocoon. Your crazed look running around the bedroom trying to kill that lone mosquito at 3am. The koel who woke us up but I know that one day you’ll miss his song. The way you clasp your fingers between mine. When you kicked me out of the kitchen while you were cooking curry which we pretended was good later on because we were starving. Going up and down the supermarket aisles trying to find that perfect ice cream flavour. How I caught you sneakily munching on gummie bears from your night stand when you thought I was asleep in the middle of the night. Your warm sweet scent of Jean Paul Gaultier when you kiss me goodbye in bed before you leave for work. When you forget to love me, it’s ok. I still love you anyway. Some day we’ll find someone else to love and we will. Not more, not less. Just someone else. Until then and forever more, I’ll always say a prayer for you.
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⟡ 316 Stainless Steel PVD Plating ⟡ 18K Gold Plating ⟡ <12g weight for bracelet, 33g for necklace ⟡ 38.5cm + 5cm extender necklace ⟡ Tarnish Free, Water Safe Jewellery ⟡ Hypoallergenic *Gift with purchase* Love Story 1: Adoration by Shy & Curious TM Without realizing it, she loved to pepper conversations with his name. “Will and I had the most amazing meal last weekend…” “Holland Hill? I think Will has a friend who lives there.” “That’s so funny! That reminds me when Will…” Will. Will. Will. Will. His name fell from her lips like a broken string of pearls – white orbs scattering as they slip from her tongue, and bounce off the floor and rolled away echoing through the hallway. The irony was that she didn’t even like his name at first. Will? How pedestrian. William sounded so much better. But as time passed, his name became a prayer to her. The airy, breathy sound expelled through her pursed lips calmed her like a meditative chant. Will. Inhale. Will. Exhale. Will. Inhale. Will. Exhale. Like rosary beads, she’ll count in time with each ‘Will’ uttered and fall deeper and deeper in love. He was definitely a Will. Just Will. Her Will.
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⟡ 316 Stainless Steel PVD Plating ⟡ 18K Gold Plating ⟡ <12g weight for whole set ⟡ 39cm + 7cm extender ⟡ Tarnish Free, Water Safe Jewellery ⟡ Hypoallergenic ⟡ Natural Stones: Malachite, Lapis Lazuli.
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⟡ 316 Stainless Steel PVD Plating ⟡ 18K Gold Plating ⟡ Tarnish Free, Water Safe Jewellery ⟡ Hypoallergenic
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⟡ 316 Stainless Steel PVD Plating ⟡ 18K Gold Plating/ Steel ⟡ <11.79g weight for earrings ⟡ <7g weight for ring ⟡ Tarnish Free, Water Safe Jewellery ⟡ Hypoallergenic *Gift with purchase* Love Story 3: Mothers & Daughters by Shy & Curious TM “Dayang-dayang! Lekas, nak pakai barang kemas ke tak?” (“Handmaidens! Hurry up, do you want to wear jewellery or not?”) I heard my mum’s shrill voice from her bedroom. It wasn’t an actual question but instead a summon to my sister and I as we march in like diligent soldiers. My mum sat on the edge of her bed in all her splendid glory like a queen in her traditional baju kurung songket, bold blue eyeshadow and her hair teased to the heavens with hairspray. Despite resting directly in front of the fan whirling at top speed, beads of perspiration trailed from her hairline down her cheeks as she looked up and me and asked, “Is Mummy’s make-up ok?” My mother may have been a homebody but she was a stickler for looking your best when you leave the house. Even a short jaunt to the corner mama store required a powdered nose and dab of lipstick as she considered it a basic sign of respect. As I stood there sweating my ass off as well in our thick songket outfits, I heard the undertone of anxiety in her voice and understood. She wasn’t really asking about the make-up. We were heading to a cousin’s wedding with her new status as a divorcee. “Yes mum, it looks good,” I smiled reassuringly. Automatically I spun around and knelt at her feet with my back facing her. It’s been our ritual since we were old enough to be dressed up in our baju kurung for special occasions and this wedding was no different. I lifted the hair sticking on my neck and lowered my gaze down. The cloud of my mum’s sweet Anna Sui perfume enveloped me first before I felt the cool gold earrings. “Don’t move!” She grumbled as she fiddled with the back. “Baby’s not moving!” I whined back. Finally she smacked my back and said “Dah” (done). I stood up and stepped aside as it was my sister’s turn and strolled over to her mirror. I’m not a fan of Malay weddings because I find them formal and boring with a million people whom you’ll only meet once a year and won’t recognize if you pass them in the street. However, I’ve inherited my mum’s love for dressing up for them. As I admired my getup despite feeling the sweat roll down my back, I heard my mum’s smug voice, “Cantik pun bila dah jadi Anak Dara Melayu….” 
(“You’re beautiful once you’ve embraced being a young Malay lady.”) I smirked back at my beautiful regal Mummy in the mirror, touched my matching gold earrings that we were all now wearing, and proceeded to fluff up my hair.